February 15, 2025  
Honors & Awards

Dr. Wigand has received numerous honors and awards for his dedicated work. This is an incomplete list.

Honors 2007

Honoree: No Thanks, Big Tobacco Appreciation Dinner
Tobacco Control Partners of Lower Hudson Valley

Honors 2006

Distinguished Scholar in Ethics
Auburn University
Auburn, AL

Honors 2004

Distinguished Scholar in Ethics
Auburn University
Auburn, AL

Visiting Scholar in Ethics
University of Houston Law Center
Houston, TX

Honors 2003

John Mixon Society Inaugural Award
University of Houston Law Center
Houston, TX

Honors 2002

Distinguished Fellow in Management Ethics
Auburn University

Distinguished Service Award
Lega Italiana per la Lotta contro I Tumori
Venice, Italy

Hero of the Year Award
American Heart Association
Los Angeles, CA

Honors 2001

Healthy at Heart
Peel Community Action on Heart Disease
"Recognition of your Leadership, Commitment, and Advocacy for Youth against Tobacco through Smoke-Free Kids, Inc."
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
May 2nd

2001 Delaware Kick Butts Service Award
Delaware Kick Butts Generation
Newark, DE
April 7th

General H. Norman Schwarzkopf Action Award (1st time awarded)
Commendation letter from General Schwarzkopf
Roswell Park Cancer Center
Buffalo, NY
February 3rd

Honors 2000

John P. McGovern, M.D. Annual Award, Lectureship in the Medical Humanities
Koop Institute/Dartmouth College

WHO (World Health Organization) Award for Tobacco Control
Geneva, Switzerland
October 12th

CIPRET Award for Contributions to Public Health
State of Geneve
Geneva, Switzerland
October 11th

Outstanding Dedication to Tobacco Education and Control, Benefiting the Children and Adults Across the Nation
Dallas Fresh Air Coalition
August 24th
Community Champion Award
Civil Justice Foundation
July 31st

Award for Meritorious Service
American Heart Association
June 23rd

Dr. Wigand receiving his award from the
Indiana State Department of Health

Excellence in Public Health
Indiana State Department of Health
State Health Commissioner's Award
June 15th

Certificate of Appreciation
Kansas City World No Tobacco Day
May 31st

Commendation Resolution No. 000614
World No Tobacco Day
Council of Kansas City
Kansas City, MO
May 30th

Philip R. Overton Lectureship in Medicine and Law
Texas Medical Association
May 26th

Breath of Life Award
American Lung Association of Los Angeles
And with Commendation Letters from:
California State Board of Equalization
Gray Davis, Governor of the State of California
Board of Supervisors County of Los Angeles
Kathleen Connell, Controller of the State of California
Leroy D. Baca, Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department
City of Los Angeles
May 19th

Raven Fin Whale
Uuquinak'uuh Elementary School
Vancouver, BC
May 17th

First Nations Cedar Paddle
Stelly Secondary School
Victoria, BC
May 15th

With Appreciation
Central Valley Regional Tobacco Prevention Team
Fresno Unified Schools
California State University, Fresno
Fresno County Tobacco Prevention Program
May 11th

Dedication to American Youth Award
Grace Yokley High School
San Bernadino, California
May 10th

Certificate of Appreciation
San Bernadino City Unified School District
May 10th

With Thanks and Appreciation
Canadian Institute of Public Health Inspectors
April 12th

Distinguished Educator and Heartfelt Gratitude for the Zeal for a Better and Healthier World
Rotary International
Rotary Clubs of District 7630
April 2nd

Pennsylvania Tobacco Prevention Leadership Award
Pennsylvania Department of Health
American Cancer Society
March 15th

Extraordinary Courage in Exposing the Truth about the Tobacco Industry
Illinois Coalition Against Tobacco
February 29th

Tobacco Achievement Award
American Heart Association of Washington
February 15th

Significant Contribution for the Health of Our Future Generations
American Heart Association
Western States Affiliates
January 19th

Honors 1971-1999


Courage in Fighting for the Public Health
Alameda County Tobacco Coalition

Award of Excellence
In Recognition of an Outstanding Contribution to Public Health
Canadian Cancer Society, Ontario Division
Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario
Non-Smoker Rights Association
Ontario Lung Association
Ontario Campaign for Action on Tobacco

Catalyst for Change Award
American Cancer Society

Public Health Award
Alameda County Tobacco
Control Coalition
Board of Supervisors
County of Alameda
State of California

Attorney General's Public Service Award
State of Indiana

Doctor of Human Letters, Honoris Causa
Connecticut College
New London, Connecticut

John P. McGovern, M.D. Annual Award
Lectureship in the Medical Humanities
Koop Institute/Dartmouth College


Outstanding Effort in the Fight Against Cancer
American Cancer Society

The Gleitsman Foundation Citizen Activist Award
The campaign against tobacco
Shared with (alphabetically):
Dr. Alan Blum
Dr. Stanton Glantz
Vice President Al Gore
Attorney General Christine Gregoire
Former Surgeon General C. Everett Koop
Ms. Janet Carol Mangini, Esq.
Congressman Henry Waxman
Merrell Williams
Ms. Patty Young


Public Service Award
Oncology Nursing Society
Shared with:
Dr. D. Kessler, FDA Commissioner

Fullbright Memorial Fellow, Japanese Studies
Nomination by Jefferson County Public School Board
Louisville, KY


Sallie Mae First Class Teacher of the Year
Sallie Mae & American Association of School Administrators

Ethical Humanist of the Year
New York Society for Ethical Culture
New York, NY

Smoke-Free America Award
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
New York, NY


YMCA Service to Youth Award
1First Honorary Member elected by the Board of Directors by unanimous vote for a "member of the profession or others who have distinguished themselves by their attainments in Medicine or Science"

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