December 2, 2010  
Smoke-Free Kids

SMOKE-FREE KIDS is the non-profit foundation formed by Dr. Jeffrey Wigand, the former chief scientist at Brown & Williamson Tobacco Corporation. Dr. Wigand went public with what he knew about the tobacco industry to the FDA, the Department of Justice and to the American public through CBS' "60 Minutes". Dr. Wigand was sued by Brown & Williamson for his actions, but as a condition of the historic June 20th, 1997 agreement, the Attorneys General insisted that the company dismiss its lawsuit.

Today Dr. Wigand conducts interactive educational seminars through SMOKE-FREE KIDS on all student levels; in elementary, middle or high schools, as well as colleges and postgraduate institutions of law, medicine, business management and education.

In addition to providing educational seminars, SMOKE-FREE KIDS also provides scientific and technical input to governmental organizations developing policy or regulating tobacco products (denormalization) and creating smoke-free environments, such as the Country of Canada, the city of New York, the World Health Organization (WHO), the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). In addition, expert testimony can be provided in tobacco litigation to further hold the industry accountable for its targeting of our children.

Through SMOKE-FREE KIDS, Dr. Wigand uses his knowledge about the tobacco industry and his teaching experience to educate others about the myriad issues concerning tobacco and the tobacco industry. He teaches children critical thinking and analysis skills that enable them to make better decisions and healthy choices regarding tobacco use. And he teaches adult students and policy makers about medical, scientific and technical aspects of tobacco science and chemistry. These topics include:cigarette design, the industry's use of tobacco additives that enhance ease of use and addiction, industry tactics, nicotine addiction and manipulation, and reduced ignition propensity cigarettes.

Dr. Wigand and SMOKE-FREE KIDS use scientific methods of discovery, actual industry data and documents to explain how the industry targets children and youth to generate new tobacco addicts. Because Dr. Wigand has direct "hands on" experience and knowledge, SMOKE-FREE KIDS provides intellectual assets and knowledge critical to the understanding of tobacco science, and not duplicated in any other organization.

SMOKE-FREE KIDS is a 501(c)(3) corporation and all contributions may be tax-deductible. Donations from the public are welcome. Any donations should be made payable to "Smoke-Free Kids" at PO Box 527, Mt. Pleasant, MI, 48804-0527. Please consult with your tax advisor as to any tax benefits associated with any financial contributions to this 501 (c)(3) organization.

For more information on having Dr. Wigand speak at your event, organization, or business, go to the speaking engagements area of the web site.

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